It has got to be some kind of stupidity...
Generally, when I can not avoid it, I am forced to get in a discussion regarding the current collision of political viewpoints It is not often, but of the entire collection of such encounters I have found an identical stream of characteristics or levels of informational processing. And that is just a gentlemanly way of saying---"frigging stupid"!
"STUPID" is the result of a variety of inabilities or causation's:
1. The "Trump Syndrome": The shock of seeing Queen Clinton get her ass kicked by the Donald was for Democrats such a shock the white Cortex of their frontal lobe became paralyzed and totally rendered unable to face reality or adjust to it. When you encounter that you may as well just excuse yourself and go get another beer.
2. The Educationally Deprived: Sadly these are the victims of our educational system's lack of interest in presenting information to their charges designed to evaluate and understand more that one aspect of a subject. They may have been taught dates and events....but not why they important or the value of what happened.
3 to 5. Later.
1. The "Trump Syndrome": The shock of seeing Queen Clinton get her ass kicked by the Donald was for Democrats such a shock the white Cortex of their frontal lobe became paralyzed and totally rendered unable to face reality or adjust to it. When you encounter that you may as well just excuse yourself and go get another beer.
2. The Educationally Deprived: Sadly these are the victims of our educational system's lack of interest in presenting information to their charges designed to evaluate and understand more that one aspect of a subject. They may have been taught dates and events....but not why they important or the value of what happened.
3 to 5. Later.
The way I see this election-----it's not about Democrats and Republicans, but rather about Freedom and/or Socialism !
Now, there are some things I am voting against. I am voting against open borders. I am voting against a rampant welfare system that enslaves it’s recipients. I am voting against socialism, in all of it’s forms, including health care, redistribution, reparations, economics, governmental control, pedophilia, and criminal releases, etc. I would rather pay for prison reform then see the criminals released to repeatedly commit the same crimes!
So, although I don’t give blanket approval to everything our President has done or said in the past, I do support him as our president! I am not voting against Joe Biden, but I am voting against every thing that the party backing him and propping him up stands for. It is not the Democratic Party of the past. Three months is all we have. –
Love to all
In just three months, it will be over. The U.S. presidential election, I mean. Not the end of the world. But maybe the end of our nation, as we have known it. No I will not be voting for Biden.... I am not voting for a man. I am not rallying for a personality. I am not pushing a person. At this point, I am voting for one thing and one thing only. I am voting for the principles for which this country has stood since it’s founding. I am voting for Constitutional government. I am voting for a strong and viable military. I am voting for a vibrant economy. I am voting for the right to keep and bear arms. I am voting for the freedom to worship. I am voting for a national recognition of the founding of our nation on Biblical principles. I am voting for the ability for anyone to rise above their circumstances and become successful. I am voting for my children and grandchildren to be able to choose their own path in life, including how and where their children are educated. I am voting for our borders to be open to everyone who enters under our law and closed to everyone who would circumvent or ignore the law. I am voting for the Electoral College to remain in place, so that a few heavily populated liberal centers do not control the elections. I am voting for a Supreme Court that interprets the Constitution rather than rewrites it. I am voting to teach history, with all of it’s warts, not erase it or revise it. I am voting for the sanctity of life from conception to birth and after.
Now, there are some things I am voting against. I am voting against open borders. I am voting against a rampant welfare system that enslaves it’s recipients. I am voting against socialism, in all of it’s forms, including health care, redistribution, reparations, economics, governmental control, pedophilia, and criminal releases, etc. I would rather pay for prison reform then see the criminals released to repeatedly commit the same crimes!
So, although I don’t give blanket approval to everything our President has done or said in the past, I do support him as our president! I am not voting against Joe Biden, but I am voting against every thing that the party backing him and propping him up stands for. It is not the Democratic Party of the past. Three months is all we have. –
Love to all